Least-Human Human


Earlier this year I read "The Most Human Human", a story of a real-life Turing Test AI competition, and the humans who competed. It's entertaining and thought provoking, but that's not my point.

It's fun to think about what makes a human "more human", but instead of the "most-human human", what about the "least-human human", or the "bottom-quartile-human human"? In the real world, human-ism is surely a statistical curve, and AI will pass the Turing Test against some individuals far sooner than others.

But more important is the Observer-Judge...they too must be facile and adept at what makes a human "human". Already we are each in this role today, against Twitter Bots and voice-assistant systems and photoshopped images and user interfaces which are some combination of AI and human designs. Is there a Turing Test for photographs? Videos? Language translators? Isn't the Turing Test a continuum of little machine/AI steps, against varying human opponents, with varying human judges?

I think already many are not equal to the task of being such a judge, and most us of will face challenges as fakes get better. At some point, should the Observer become a machine, when the average Turing AI is more-human than the average Observer-Judge, or average Human?

Yet we distrust AI doctors and Facebook fraud filters more than we do the human x-ray radiologist or the Russian story-bot. Why? Are we perhaps simply overly sure about our own level of humanity, collectively and individually, and thus our ability to be Observer-Judge or Human Participant in daily tests?

What fraction of people would say they are "more human" than average or median? What fraction would say they are more discerning about fakes and bots than average?

I think we can look around and see that the answer is "a large fraction", to the detriment of all of us. And, with improving AI, that fraction will rise. It's like a Dunning-Kruger curve; once you know the concept, you have to forever worry you're the blissfully unaware idiot....and yet those who do not themselves worry pose still more risk.


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